In 1938 a British stockbroker, Nicholas Winton, organized the rescue of 669 children from Nazi-occupied Czechoslovakia and these children were sent to safety in Great Britain. This true story is the basis for "One Life," which HCC film professors Marie Westhaver and Mike Giuliano discuss in this Podcast episode. Anthony Hopkins is terrific as the elderly Winton in 1987 thinking back on his life; Johnny Flynn plays Winton in 1938. Although the bureaucratic details of the mission admittedly make for less than compelling cinema, the final scenes in the film are emotionally powerful. Marie and Mike also discuss a very different film, the film noir-influenced "Love Lies Bleeding," starring Kristen Stewart and Katy O'Brian as a couple who get into a whole heap of trouble in New Mexico in 1989. Although Marie and Mike are not always in agreement about this film, they agree that "Love Lies Bleeding" is never boring.